Friday, December 08, 2006

hey all,

it is that wonderful time of year again when the christmas lights go up around town (theres plenty of time for them to shine around here as the sun sets at 4:30!!!!!) cheery electronicized music sings down the streets and out of shops, and all of the students are in a blind panic writing papers and taking tests. yup, finals season.
in addition to my usual hibernation i'm going to be awol for a while longer as between writing papers and apparently walking around thinking i'm fine with a 104 degree fever and 2 ear infections (oops...) i don't seem to have a huge amount of time on my hands. BUT i am not dead in any way ( although mom does seem a little worried...) and my intelligence has been questioned several times regarding my intrest in attending classes rather than sleeping. yes, insane. we've been over this, moving on. so anyways, enjoy you candycanes and hot cocoa, know i'll be holed up in my apartment writing about nazism and singing christmas carols, and for all of you lovely davis people i'll see you after the 19th! and trust me, i can't wait!!

merry christmas!


Unknown said...

...really do question either your sanity or...perhaps it's the fever that is driving you to class instead of tucked into bed. Naziism and Christmas Carols???? Stay warm! Luv, Luv, Luv, and hurry home! Mum :)

Ester said...

I've been questioning your sanity from the time you growled at me from your crib, but then does that count coming from someone already insane?

You'll do great on that paper my dear, and let me know when you get back to Davis all safe and sound!

無名 - wu ming said...

take care of yourself, sicko...


Jean said...

shut up seanny :P and i'm glad we're all in the same sanity boat together...i'm mad, you're mad we're all mad here to quote the cheshire cat....